CJ Skips News
The impact of changes to the EPA’s Resource Recovery Orders and Exemptions (RROEs).
As you are aware an increased cost in waste disposal has already forced a hike in skip bin prices this year. CJ Skips Bins remains determined to provide our customers with competitive pricing where possible, however every price rise over the last 15-20 years has been as a direct result of EPA levies imposed “to reduce the amount of waste going to landfill and to promote the recycling of waste material”.
CJ Skip Bins has received important information this week from the Recycling Industry which relates to the new EPA directives to be implemented from July 1 2022. These proposed changes will result in MORE waste going to landfill, not less. And will result in the an increase in EPA revenue via tonnage levies.
At this stage, we can only speculate to the cost impact of these changes. However we though it was best to be transparent with our customers immediately and assist with the quoting of future jobs and possibly current jobs.
We will share further information as it becomes available. To find out more, please read the extract of EPA correspondence below:
“We write to alert you to some important changes to the Resource Recovery Orders and Exemptions (RROEs) the NSW Environment Protection Authority (EPA) intends to implement this year. If implemented as currently proposed, these changes will lead to a material increase in the cost of waste management and recycling services for construction and demolition (C&D) waste in New South Wales. The EPA’s changes are significant and will impact you. What are recovered fines? Recovered fines are a mix of soil, clay, crushed concrete, aggregate, broken bricks and glass that remain following the processing of C&D waste. Recovered fines are highly recoverable and are currently recycled and regularly reused in construction as an alternative fill or building substrate.
What is changing?
The EPA is revoking the existing RROE’s for recovered fines and replacing them with RROEs. The proposed new RROEs contain significantly more onerous sampling and testing requirements, increase the number of chemicals required to be tested for, and reduce the allowable levels of certain chemicals.
Why is the EPA making these changes?
The EPA’s view is that recovered fines potentially contain contaminants potentially harmful to human health, such as PFAS, plastic, chemicals and asbestos. They have also identified a number of cases of non-compliance by market participants. The EPA believes the changes are necessary to reduce the risk to human health.
Are these changes necessary?
If properly enforced, the existing RROE’s can ensure that recovered fines will not cause any material risk to human health when used in its most common applications, such as road base.
What does this change mean to me?
- Increased costs – In order to cover the costs of the EPA’s changes, we will need to change its pricing structure on the basis that increased volumes of material will need to be landfilled. This is likely to include the removal of the cubic metre rate and changes to excess weight charges.
- Lower recycling rates – the changes will also mean an increase in the volume of material that needs to be disposed of to landfill. This material is currently recovered, recycled and reused. This will mean your recovery/recycling rates will drop.
When are these changes taking place?
The changes were originally going to be effective from 1 April 2022. Pushback from the waste and recycling industry has led to the EPA advising that the changes will not be implemented before 1 July 2022.
What can I do?
Contact the EPA directly at [email protected] or at https://yoursay.epa.nsw.gov.au/recovered-soil-order-exemption to let them know how these changes are likely to impact you.
Contact the waste industry’s leading industry associations, Waste Management and Resource Recovery Association Australia and Waste Contractors & Recyclers Association of NSW for further information.”
CJ Skips is determined to deliver the same level of fantastic service. By observing the health and safety guidelines we’ll continue to operate as usual.
CJ Skip Bins, skip bin hire Sydney service area extends across the Sydney metropolitan area
Hire costs are based on skip bin size. No hidden cost. Contact CJ Skips to discuss your location and get a quote. Call 0404 050 545.